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Hoffman Tree Service

Stump Grinding/Removal Services
Tree stumps are unsightly side effects of tree removal and can house pests or insects during decay. There are three standard options for handling a stump:
Wait 8-10 years for the stump to decay naturally. Waiting for a stump to decay takes years. Some species will sprout from a stump forming a large woody shrub. Tree stumps attract unwanted insects and can lead to larger infestations.
Grind the stump 4-6” below grade and back fill with resulting wood chips. Stumps can be ground to 4” to 6” below grade using special equipment. The resulting wood chips and soil are back filled into the grinding hole; this is the easiest and most cost effective solution for stumps. Our crews can remove the stump grinding debris and completely restore the site with high quality topsoil and seed for an additional cost.
Mechanically remove the stump and restore the hole with new topsoil. Completely excavating a stump will allow you to reclaim the beauty and use of that area, allowing for new grass, trees or plantings. This is usually done when construction is planned for the site as it can be a somewhat costly and intricate process.